Concerns | Complaints

Concerns: If you have any concerns about the service you have received we would encourage you to please speak directly to your therapist. If you would rather contact one of the leadership team please complete the contact form below, or call us on 07414 055 204.

Complaints: If you have a complaint about a team member or an aspect of your treatment, please speak to the Leadership team or complete the form below which will be read and dealt with by the PWYA Leadership team. You can complain yourself, or someone close to you can complain on your behalf. If someone is making a complaint on your behalf, they must have your permission to do so before getting in touch with the individual therapist or organisation.

If your complaint remains unresolved to your satisfaction, you can contact the professional body of the therapist involved.

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, 0207 306 6666

British Association of Occupational Therapy, 0207 450 2330

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapy, 0207 378 3012